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A bite-sized ACME client for Let's Encrypt.

Boulder -> Pebble -> Gran(ule) -> Grandma -> Grandma's Cookies 🍪


This is a barebones ACME client created for my Network Security course. The name of the game is to get more better at Python 3 and KISS while doing it. Only HTTP-01 challenges are used, so no wildcard certificates (those require the DNS-challenges). Heavily inspired by other projects such as acme-tiny, I suspect there will be a lot of parallels between other minimal ACME clients. Revoking is not supported.


This automates some of the nitty-gritty parts of issuing a TLS certificate from the days of yesteryear(s). You'll still need to run a few openssl commands, but gran does a good chunk of the heavy lifting -- particularly parsing and exporting.

The mile-high overview (for issuing):

  1. You provide an account (private) key, CSR, and directory for the challenges (text files verified by Let's Encrypt).
  2. The account key and CSR get parsed.
  3. The ACME directory is requested (provides all the endpoints we'll be using).
  4. An account is created (or already confirmed to be registered).
  5. A new order (with all the domains from the CSR) is created.
  6. Challenges are created & ACME is informed that they're live.
  7. After they're all verified, the order is finalized.
  8. Once the order is complete, the certificate is downloaded.


Developed using Python 3 & pip3 on a macOS environment.

Locally, running pip3 install -e . should get you up and running with the gran command available. The only dependency is click to make the CLI experience pretty slick. You'll also need the openssl binary locally.


You'll need to supply 3-4 ish things:

  1. An account (private) key in PEM format:

    openssl genrsa 4096 > acct.pem

    and a key for each domain / CSR:

    openssl genrsa 4096 > {{domain}}.pem
  2. A CSR:

    openssl req -new -sha256 -key {{domain}}.pem -subj "/CN={{domain}}" > {{domain}}.csr
  3. A directory to put all the ACME challenges:

    mkdir -p /var/www/challenges

    which will need to be configured in your web server to serve the requests http://{{domain}}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{{challenge}} from the directory you provide. Here's a snippet for Nginx:

    location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
        alias /var/www/challenges/;
        try_files $uri =404;

After that, you can use gran like so:

gran --key acct.pem --csr {{domain}}.csr --dir /var/www/challenges > fullchain.pem

which will provide you with the certificate.

You can also pass --quiet to suppress extra output.

If you want to test by running against the Let's Encrypt staging API, you can pass --test to do so. You'll still receive the fullchain certificate, but it will be issued by a bogus CA ("Fake LE").

Should I Use This?

Probably not. Here's a non-exhasutive list of probably better options:




bite-sized (Let's Encrypt) ACME client 🍪






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